Bespoke Perfume-Couples
$ 2,000.00
Can you imagine creating scents for each other, with notes conveying a language just for two? We've been developing a bespoke, custom perfume experience offering with Master Perfumer, Maria McElroy and it seemed double the fun to create a couples' experience.
Two options for bespoke perfume for couples:
- one scent created shared by two ($2000.00) OR
- two complimentary scents which entice each other, ($2500.)
A purchase buys a gift certificate sent to you along with all the guidelines on:
- Setting up a first phone call, an appointment
- What exactly is entailed in the experience of creating your fragrance
- Consults can be conducted at the beautiful Manhattan spa, Cornelia Spa at The Surrey
- If desired, arrangements can be made for Maria to consult in a client's home or office
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